Facebook has stolen all the headlines recently with the ups and downs of its record-breaking IPO. However, in reality, LinkedIn should be a main focus for businesses in this day and age. With its more professional demographic, new features, and growing constituency, LinkedIn is the place to be in the business arena. Here are the top 7 reasons why:
- Approximately two new members join LinkedIn every second, with nearly 200 million members today.
- Amongst Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, LinkedIn is the most effective for sharing links.
- LinkedIn members are on track to make more than 5.3 billion searches on the platform in 2012.
- Company Pages are a fairly new feature in LinkedIn that provide a centralized location for businesses to highlight services, engage with followers, and drive word of mouth.
- LinkedIn was named as the most important social network according to a Search Engine Watch survey of individuals who actively use social media.
- Statistically, LinkedIn has a nearly 3x higher visitor-to-lead conversion rate than both Twitter and Facebook
- LinkedIn makes it simple for businesses to receive recommendations from colleagues and clients that can be posted and broadcast to their entire LinkedIn network.
While Facebook may be the more high-profile social media platform, LinkedIn’s benefits make it impossible to ignore with regards to building your brand’s social media strategy. Need assistance in creating and managing your own LinkedIn Company Page? Contact us today!