Recently we placed a client on an Internet Radio show on Women 4 Women Network, ranked the #1 women’s Internet network in the world. It was an excellent opportunity for the client–a 50-minute segment which allowed him to give a tremendously detailed explanation of his field. We reached out to the head of the network, and received a press kit with some very interesting information. It sheds light on an area very much worth considering.
W4W Radio Research Statistics & Demographics from Arbitron & Edison Research
- Internet users show a high degree of interest in going to W4WN’s radio station Web site for information on products and services.
- An estimated 89 million Americans listened to online radio last month.
- Nearly half (49%) of all Americans over 12 years old listen to Internet Radio.
- Internet radio reaches 32% of active radio listeners on a monthly basis.
- One in five Americans aged 25 to 54 years old listen to online radio on a weekly basis.
- Weekly online audience has doubled every 5 years since 2001. W4CY Radio’s Growth has been way above that.
- Internet radio users tend to be more affluent and educated than the U.S. population as a whole and more likely to be employed.
Althea Research findings:
- 96.73% of all radio people believe Internet Radio is the Future of Radio.
- Of the new revenue generating technologies Internet Radio has the biggest earning potential.
- 8 out of 10 say they would be likely to seek information on products and services from W4WN Radio:
- 31% say they would be very likely
- 53% say they would be somewhat likely
Station Listenership on W4WN radio:
- 77% USA
- 13% Other Countries
- 75% annual income of over $75,000
- 54% of them have annual income of over $100,000
Listenership by Gender:
- Female 87% Male 13%
Listening hours:
- Night (30%),
- Middays (26%)
- Afternoons (26%)
Having had 20 years of radio broadcasting experience, I am obviously a huge fan of this medium. Sometimes, with all of the latest innovations, particularly those that create “short forms” for everything (e.g. Twitter), we lose sight of the impact of a more traditional media outlet. What’s more, with the great opportunity provided by Internet radio, it is a medium we should not overlook.