Later this month, will participate the 2014 MGMA conference in Las Vegas, which emphasizes the continued growth of Points Group. At the MGMA, Points Group will be unveiling our updated Catch Basin Analyzer and introducing a new growth program that guarantees healthcare providers 15% growth within a year. The official product and service launch will take place at the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Annual Conference in Las Vegas from October 26th to the 29th.
What is the Catch Basin Analyzer?
The Catch Basin Analyzer is a software product developed by Points Group to help healthcare professionals make better decisions about geographic expansion and strategic marketing. Most healthcare providers do not have a clear understanding of their patient catch basin, the geographic area from which a healthcare provider attracts its patients. Based on a variety of data points, including population demographics, patient data and website data, the Catch Basin Analyzer identifies the areas with the biggest opportunity for growth, least competition, problem areas and provides a wealth of analysis tools to analyze the performance of individual locations, service lines, providers or the overall company. Furthermore, it provides the user with the ability to do sophisticated target searches, based on a variety of criteria and demographics. The CBA takes the guesswork out of determining where money should be spent and where the best ROI can be acheived with future investments.
The Guaranteed Growth Program is the result of providing over 12 years of strategic marketing and consulting services. Over this time, we have developed a strategic approach that gives us the confidence to offer guaranteed growth to clients who follow our all-inclusive marketing approach that is based on a customized growth plan.
If you are attending the MGMA conference, please, stop by at our booth (#753). For more information about Points Group and the services we provide, call 973-998-8008.