It seems that everyone is on Facebook and you want to reach them. A Facebook presence is basically mandatory for businesses today in order to reach customers – and we also know that a strong Facebook presence is one of the strongest correlations with high search engine rankings. But the question remains: how do you get attention on Facebook?
Brian from Social Network Voice wrote a great piece about why he doesn’t like most posts/images on Facebook– many are designed to sell ads, acting as a back door data-mining vehicle. The pages behind these posts (like “Can this soldier get 1,000,000 likes?”) are typically designed to find people to spam ads to. You don’t want to look like one of these companies. Here are some better ways to get attention:
- Provide real value. The bottom line is that you want to provide something that will be of valuable information to those who see your posts. Give important tips, a useful infographic, important updates, or anything else that someone might actually find beneficial. Giving useful information keeps people engaged with you.
- Know your audience. Are you trying to reach young parents? Teens? Those approaching retirement? Write and speak in a way that relates to that audience. Also, remember that you’re on Facebook and most people you are trying to reach are on Facebook for social reasons. It’s a more casual environment and more important to have a human touch. Be a little more personable – Facebook marketing is different from email marketing. Here’s a great example of a massive brand, Coca-Cola, self-promoting in a personable, casual way:
- Utilize promotions – transparently. It’s okay to run promotions, contests and games, just be transparent about what you’re doing. Show the benefit for liking a page. Don’t try to con people into liking your page, but give them a legitimate reason to do so. This may be one of the fastest ways to gain an audience without being sneaky.
- Be interesting. Being funny, cute, or emotional are all okay. Give people reason to take notice of your posts. Be clear who is promoting the post (a Facebook account like Funny Facebook Stuff is suspicious, but a doctor’s practice name is not). You don’t want your account to be strictly posts to amuse, but it’s perfectly fine to have fun with your audience too.
Marketing on Facebook isn’t rocket science, but sometimes it can be tough to get started and know what to do. Many businesses find it helpful to partner with an agency with experience in marketing on social media to get started. If you want help, give us a call. Even if you just want some quick advice, feel free to reach out. We’d love to talk.