Believe it or not, there are still many companies that launch new websites and don’t bother to optimize them for search engines. However, the good news is that increasingly companies realize that SEO is absolutely essential, but do you really know what it entails? What a lot of people don’t know is how much Search Engine Optimization has changed. I’m always amazed when I see companies offering $50 SEO packages. In the past this was possible, considering what SEO meant:
- Link building
- Optimizing the content that is unique to the site
- Optimized title tags
- Optimized meta description tags
- Optimized H1 tags
- Optimized navigation
While all of this is still true and important, SEO today is much broader, requires a much better understanding of how the Internet and Search Engines “tick” and requires a very diverse set of skills in order to be successful with SEO.
Let me explain complexity and scope of SEO on the example of one of our clients. They wanted to increase their exposure and improve their SEO. Our ongoing activities in addition to the above tasks includes the following:
- Blogging: We blog weekly. Your blog should be integrated into your website (websiteS!). We blog at least once a week and use relevant keywords, phrases and a call to action.Press releases are increasingly a key component for SEO. We utilize Press Releases to push them through online channels that can’t be reached with Blogging, Social Media or Search Engine Marketing.
- Social Media is having a major impact on your website and content performance. Utilizing all channels to publish your content increases your overall performance.
- We keep the website current and active. That means we constantly add more content depth, add news and other relevant content to the site.
- Analytics and Tools: This is probably one of the most important components of SEO. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to constantly analyze, refine and improve based on what you learn from the analytics reports. We utilize a variety of tools. Here are a few of the tools that we use: AuthorityLabs , SEOmoz, MajesticSEO, AHREFs, RavenTools, SEMrush.
As you can see, almost all of the online related activities are impacting SEO. While not one of the activities can be singled out as the most important, our experience has shown that if you can’t have truly a Search Engine Optimized online presence if you don’t at least cover most of these activities.
If you have questions or are interested in learning more about this, you can shoot me an email at [email protected]