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In the fast-paced world of Internet Marketing, we all know the value of having a good call to action (CTA).
When you have less than five seconds to grab the attention of your audience, having the right call to action to go with your message is vital. There are tons of new and engaging ways to get that all-important click-through, meaning, nobody should have to take the same boring “click here” route to get there.
What are you offering? What do you hope to accomplish? You always have a goal, and your call to action will help you achieve it. The great thing about CTAs is that with a little out-of-the-box thinking, there are countless options for fun new ways to get your audience to interact.
For example, let’s say you’re a retailer, selling shoes. You want to sell your products while peaking the interest of your targets. During the morning hours, consider a post similar to this: “From classic leather to fuzzy leopard print, which style slipper fits your mood?” Fast-forward to lunchtime, and you could post something about athletic sneakers or work shoes. During the later hours, talk about your selection of high heels for after work dinner dates.
Maybe instead of a retailer, you’re an event coordinator. What better way to create buzz than to have the attendees help plan the event? Let your audience feel like they’re contributing in a big way. Have people weigh in on color schemes, themes and more. Without feeling obligated to actually use their choices, this is another great way to promote an event and generate excitement. As it gets closer, also consider posting a CTA with the goal of signing up attendees. “Don’t be left out!” “Space is limited!” “See you there!” – all examples of different ways in which you can have people RSVP.
The best part about creative CTAs is that your own audience can provide you with the actual demographic information you’re looking for. Have a question? Ask them! Something as simple as “We think ______. What are your thoughts?” can be a big help in planning your strategy.
Be creative, and don’t be afraid to start a conversation with your audience. When you get responses, keep the conversation going. Active interaction makes people feel special, and with regular interaction you’ll find yourself growing a loyal customer/client base in no time.
What interesting CTAs have you seen?