New Tool Provides Clients With Comprehensive Analytics And Process Automation
(Morristown, NJ, October, 2009)—Physicians interested in knowing what their patients really think about their practice need look no further than the Points Medical Online Patient Satisfaction Survey to find the answer. The goal of the recently launched Internet-based survey system is to help physician practices improve delivery of care. For just $100 per month, physicians can have the Points Medical Online Patient Satisfaction Survey e-mailed to an unlimited number of their patients as often as they like. Surveys can be tailored to accurately reflect the offerings and operations of a practice, as well as inquire about specific aspects and functions that may be in need of improvement. Survey results are generated in real time, so that urgent matters can be attended to promptly. The survey process is simple. A practice signing on for the service logs in to the Points Medical Growth Portal to build its survey from a selection of customizable templates, all of which include an open comment field to describe both positive and negative experiences. The practice then collects its patients’ e-mails and uploads them to the survey system. An e-mail message containing a unique link to the survey subsequently is sent to each patient. Once a patient has filled out the survey, results are available in real time and can be filtered according to time period, question, category of questions, or practice locations. “This survey can be very insightful for physicians by shedding a light on many areas of their practice, both those that run well and those in need of improvement from an operational standpoint,” said Points Medical CEO Thomas Hofstetter. “While some of the physicians who have participated have learned to better manage office staff, for example, others have been able to recognize exemplary employees.” The Points Medical Online Patient Satisfaction Survey can be bundled with other services aimed at increasing patient satisfaction. These include call monitoring and customer service training, along with the implementation of action plans to address issues uncovered by the survey. Points Group LLC., is an International Consulting and Marketing Agency specializing in helping companies build brands and grow their business.