A Japanese semi-conductor company—a worldwide leader in its industry–needed to improve its production planning and material tracking capabilities for one of its U.S.-based businesses.
Twitter is about the up the ante in its advertising campaign, reputedly readying an API that would enable brands to run ads on the social network as they do on Facebook…
One of the largest orthopaedic groups in NJ asked Points Group to help them with accomplishing its growth objectives. Two problems stood out specifically that were…
“Some quick-thinking brands jumped into the disarray. Bud Light and Speed Stick bid on promoted tweets pegged to the term “power outage,” so people who searched for that phrase saw their tweets.”
Points Group CEO Thomas Hofstetter has been named in Morris County’s Daily Record’s “Ten Worth Watching in the New Year.” The honor is shared with Governor Chris Christie…
While 90% of 50 large retailers studied are active on Twitter, only 29% use the platform to actively engage with shoppers, according to a December 2012 study by digital marketing firm Acquity Group.
Social media rankings are too important from a marketing standpoint to fall by the wayside. Knowing how your company stacks up against the competition…
The Twinkie Template For Building An Eternal Brand blog, talked about the ‘panic attack’ Twinkie fans experienced upon learning that Hostess was to go out of business.
Social media and the Internet have leveled the playing field for small business owners, helping them foster closer relationships with clients and identify potential customers.
The visual message behind advertising is just as important as the written message, oftentimes even more so. Colors project an image of the product offered…