Buyer personas, as the name implies, are fictional, generalized personalities that reflect your ideal customer.
If done properly, workers’ comp. can be a profitable avenue for growth. However, many do not realize the complexity in developing this business.
Reaching out to your patients through email is a cost effective way to stay in touch and provide valuable information. When used correctly, these emails will help build trust and awareness for your practice.
Did you know that when someone does a search online they are more likely to click on a video than on a text link? It’s time to take the plunge and immerse your medical practice in the world of online video marketing.
When creating websites for healthcare practice, it needs to be visually pleasing site, but more importantly you have to have all of the essential elements in place.
Events can make a great impact on your practice as long as they are done right. They should be well thought-out, something you are passionate about, marketed properly and have a clear objective in mind.
It is very common for practices to overlook the retention of patients but by looking at four components of retaining patients your practice will see a great impact.
Many companies in healthcare do what I call “Feel good marketing.” They invest in marketing activities that seem to be the right ones, but their decisions for these activities are mostly based on assumptions that are not proven or based on facts.